Page 169 - Brothers Safety 2016 Catalog
P. 169


                                                   913B/6FTGN                   Miller Scorpion™
                                                                                Personal Fall Limiters
BackBiter® Tie-Back Lanyards
                                                                                Lightweight, compact design offers
All-in-one lanyard designed specifically for tie-back use reduces inventory     greater mobility, requires less fall clearance
and increases worker compliance. Features SofStop® shock absorber               and reduces tripping hazards. Greater
designed with a specially-woven inner core that smoothly expands to reduce      versatility through dual operation. Attaches
fall arrest forces. Includes locking Miller 5K® snap hook (5,000-lb. gate load  directly to harness D-ring for use as personal
capacity from any angle), locking snap hook with 3/4" gate opening harness      fall limiter or as traditional self-retracting
connection, heavy-duty webbing and cross-arm anchorage connector.               lifeline. Includes quick-activating, high strength
Twin-leg models can be used for 100% tie-off requirements. Green. All           stainless steel braking system to arrest free
connectors rated at 3,600-lb. gate strength. Meets all applicable OSHA,         falls; visual load indicator to warn when unit
ANSI and CSA standards and requirements, including ANSI Z359.1.                 must be removed from service; and carabiner.
                                                                                No annual factory recertification required.
Item #        Order # DESCRIPTION                  Sizes  UOM                   Capacity: 310 lbs. (400-lb. rated models                       PFL-4-Z7/9FT
913B/6FTGN                                           6'    Ea                   available). Connector gates rated at 3,600 lbs.
                                                     6'    Ea                   Meets all applicable OSHA, ANSI
                                                                                and CSA standards and requirements.

              341543671  Single leg tie-back                                    Item #        Order # DESCRIPTION                   Sizes UOM
                         lanyard                                                PFL-4-Z7/9FT                  PFL w/ carabiner,       9' Ea

♦ 8798B/6FTGN 341552001 Twin-leg tie-back lanyard                                             341558361 swivel shackle
                                                                                                              & locking snap hook

              MightyLite™                                                                                                                  RL20P-Z7/20FT
              Self-Retracting Lifelines
              Ideally suited to a variety of construction, industrial, warehouse, utility
              and confined space applications. Compact design with swivels on snap hook
              and on top of unit perfect for hard-to-mount and permanent mount locations.
              Constructed with corrosion-resistant aluminum and stainless steel for long life.
              Automatic inertia brakes engage during a fall. Choose from 1" polyester webbing
              or galvanized wire rope. No annual factory recertification required. Rated to 400 lbs.
              when using 928LS/18INYL SofStop® shock absorber. Connector gates rated at
              3,600 lbs. Meets all applicable OSHA, ANSI and CSA standards and requirements.

              Item #     Order # DESCRIPTION                   Sizes            UOM
                                                                20'              Ea
♦ RL20P-Z7/20FT 341558371 Web SRL w/ tagline & carabiner
                                                                20'              Ea
♦ RL20G-Z7/20FT 341558331 Cable SRL w/ tagline & carabiner

MFL-1-Z7/6FT          TurboLite™ Personal Fall Limiters

                      Compact and lightweight unit attaches directly to harness back D-ring for greater mobility. Eliminates need for different fall protection
                      equipment to address changes in fall clearance. High-strength, impact-resistant nylon housing is lightweight and designed for maximum
                      durability with 6' of working capacity lifeline. Capacity: 400 lbs. Connector gates rated at 3,600 lbs. No annual factory recertification
                      required. Meets all applicable OSHA, ANSI and CSA standards and requirements.

                      Item #        Order # DESCRIPTION                                                                             Sizes UOM
                      MFL-1-Z7/6FT  341557191 PFL w/ steel twist-lock carabiner & locking snap hook                                   6' Ea

                      ♦ MFL-2-Z7/6FT 341564001 PFL w/ steel twist-lock carabiner & locking rebar hook                               6' Ea
                      ♦ MFL-3-Z7/6FT 341564011 PFL w/ locking snap hook, no unit connector                                          6' Ea
                      ♦ MFL-4-Z7/6FT 341564021 PFL w/ locking rebar hook, no unit connector                                         6' Ea
                      ♦ MFL-9-Z7/6FT 341557791 PFL w/ locking snap hooks both ends                                                  6' Ea
                      ♦ MFL-10-Z7/6FT 341559021 PFL w/ locking snap hook & locking rebar hook                                       6' Ea

168 Delivering a Full Line of PPE                                                                      ♦ Non-stock item. Minimum quantity may apply.
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