Page 60 - Brothers Safety 2016 Catalog
P. 60

Head & Face PrCoatteecgtoiorny

       Image Courtesy of Bullard                                          Employers must ensure                                                   59
                                                                          that their employees wear
     Types of Hard Hats                                                   head protection if any of
                                                                          the following apply:
       Hard hats are divided into three industrial classes:
                                                                            •	Objects might fall from above and
          •	 Class A hard hats provide impact and                              strike them on the head;
             penetration resistance along with limited
             voltage protection (up to 2,200 volts).                        •	They might bump their heads against fixed
                                                                               objects, such as exposed pipes or beams; or
          •	 Class B hard hats provide the highest level
             of protection against electrical hazards,                      •	There is a possibility of accidental head
             with high-voltage shock and burn protection                       contact with electrical hazards.
             (up to 20,000 volts). They also provide protection
             from impact and penetration hazards by                       In general, protective helmets
             flying/falling objects.                                      or hard hats should do the following:

          •	 Class C hard hats provide lightweight                          •	Resist penetration by objects.
             comfort and impact protection but offer                        •	Absorb the shock of a blow.
             no protection from electrical hazards.                         •	Be water-resistant and slow burning.
                                                                            •	Have clear instructions explaining
          Another class of protective headgear on the
          market is called a “bump hat,” designed for                          proper adjustment and replacement of
          use in areas with low head clearance. They are                       the suspension and headband.
          recommended for areas where protection is
          needed from head bumps and lacerations. These                   Face Protection
          are not designed to protect against falling or
          flying objects and are not ANSI approved. It is                     Faceshields are intended to protect the entire
          essential to check the type of hard hat employees                   face or portions of it from impact hazards such
          are using to ensure that the equipment provides                     as flying fragments, objects, large chips, and
          appropriate protection. Each hat should bear a                      particles. When worn alone, faceshields do not
          label inside the shell that lists the manufacturer,                 protect employees from impact hazards. Use face
          the ANSI designation and the class of the hat.                      shields in combination with safety spectacles or
                                                                              goggles, even in the absence of dust or potential
             Always replace a hard hat if it sustains an impact, even         splashes, for additional protection beyond
             if damage is not noticeable. Suspension systems are              that offered by spectacles or goggles alone.
             offered as replacement parts and should be replaced
             when damaged or when excessive wear is noticed. It is not        Faceshield windows are made with different
             necessary to replace the entire hard hat when deterioration      transparent materials and in varying degrees or
             or tears of the suspension systems are noticed.                  levels of thickness. These levels should correspond
                                                                              with specific tasks. Window and headgear devices
      For complete details go to                                are available in various combinations to enable
                                                                              the worker to select the appropriate equipment.
♦ Non-stock item. Minimum quantity may apply.
                                                                           Faceshield windows extend from the brow to below
                                                                           the chin and across the entire width of the face.

                                                                              Windows are available in both removable
                                                                              or lift-front designs:

                                                                                   •	 Removable windows allow the replacement of damaged windows
                                                                                   •	 Lift-front windows may be raised, as needed,

                                                                                       or left in the lowered position

                                                                              Plastic windows:

                                                                                   •	 Protect against light impact
                                                                                   •	 May include a glass insert
                                                                                   •	 Are available clear or filtered  

                                                                              Wire-screen windows:

                                                                                   •	 May include a plastic/glass insert
                                                                                   •	 Protect against some moderate impact
                                                                                   •	 Are not recommended for use involving

                                                                                       chemical or liquid hazards

                                                                                    PPE, Plant and Safety Products
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